Project:ING & Healthy University

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Study healthily and successfully

Studying successfully and studying healthily – making both possible is important to Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
That’s why there are offers for students for individual support and to ensure academic success as well as programs that promote health holistically.
At Projekt:ING & Healthy University, you will always find an open door for your concerns and the support you need, because physical and mental well-being is an important basis for performance and goal achievement.
Successful studies and health: two things that go hand in hand at Coburg University of Applied Sciences!

Some of the services offered by Projekt:ING & Healthy University

First semester days

To make it easier for students to start their studies and get to know each other, Coburg University of Applied Sciences organizes fresher’s days for Bachelor’s degree courses in the Faculties of Natural Sciences, Electrical Engineering/Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering/Automotive Technology and Business.
These include

  • Getting to know fellow students and dividing up the mentoring groups
  • Orientation at Coburg University of Applied Sciences: Where can I find what?
  • Outlook on the study program with processing of a project
  • and lots of fun!

The Freshers’ Days are organized by students from higher semesters, who support the first-year students with their “insider knowledge” and provide important tips for the start of their studies.
This gives first-semester students the opportunity to obtain important information and make contacts quickly right from the start.

Mentoring groups

The mentoring groups support first-year students at the start of their studies. Typical initial hurdles and difficulties are overcome more easily and many questions are answered competently: How do I organize my studies? What do I need to know for the exams, etc.? The mentoring groups are formed at the beginning of the first semester and continue into the second semester. At the regular meetings, questions can be asked and problems discussed – but “private” activities also take place to get to know Coburg and its leisure activities. The mentoring groups are supervised by students from higher semesters, who can pass on their experiences and give helpful tips.

University sports

Sport and exercise are important building blocks for good health, especially when it comes to predominantly sedentary activities such as learning and studying.
The university sports program offers courses in many different sports and for all levels from beginner to professional.
University sports is also an opportunity to get in touch with other students across courses.
That’s why we regularly organize various events, e.g. the well-known AQUARIA night or the steps challenge.

Mint monitoring and consulting

Coburg University of Applied Sciences offers grade monitoring to improve the supervision and support of students on STEM courses.
This enables difficulties to be identified at an early stage and offers of support to be made.
Monitoring is initially anonymous.
Students receive personal support if they sign the declaration of consent for data collection.
In this case, they can be offered various support and counseling services, e.g. counseling sessions, orientation services, etc.

Psychological counseling

The Studierendenwerk Oberfranken offers psychological counseling for students and doctoral candidates at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Counseling is free and confidential and can be used for study-related and personal difficulties.
Information on this service can be found at