
The website of Coburg University of Applied Sciences was translated using translation software provided by a third-party provider such as DeepL. The official text is the German version of the website. No liability is assumed, either explicitly or implicitly, for the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of the translations into another language.


  • 1814 Foundation of the private school for “civic architecture” by Friedrich Streib
  • 1852 Ducal building school
  • 1959 Coburg State Polytechnic
  • 1960 Move to the new building in Friedrich-Streib-Straße
  • 1971 State University of Applied Sciences
  • 1999 Campus Design at the Hofbrauhaus is created
  • since 2007 Coburg University of Applied Sciences

From construction school to university

The origins of Coburg University go back to the private school for “bourgeois architecture”, which was founded in Coburg in 1814 by the ducal architect Friedrich Streib (1781 – 1852). The school’s task was to prepare the building tradesmen of the time for the master craftsman’s certificate. After Friedrich Streib’s death, the craftsmen’s school is continued as the Ducal Building Trade School.

After Coburg’s annexation to the Free State of Bavaria in 1920, the ducal educational institution became the “State Building School”. And between 1933 and 1939, it bore the name “Higher State Technical College for Structural and Civil Engineering”. After the Second World War, it became the first state building school in Bavaria with 193 students. From 1951 onwards, it was called the “Engineering School for Structural and Civil Engineering”.

State Polytechnic

At the end of the 1950s, the era of the pure “construction school” comes to an end. The engineering school is expanded to include the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering and thus becomes a polytechnic. The new polytechnic is established in 1960 on today’s “Friedrich Streib” campus.

Foundation of the university of applied sciences

When the universities of applied sciences (FH) were founded in Bavaria in 1971, the Coburg Polytechnic became the Coburg University of Applied Sciences, to which the Münchberg Textile College and Engineering College were affiliated. In addition to Coburg, there were only seven other state universities of applied sciences in Bavaria at the time, namely in Munich, Nuremberg, Augsburg, Regensburg, Würzburg, Rosenheim and Weihenstephan. In addition, two new fields of study are added at this time: economics and social studies, which significantly change the character of the purely technical education and broaden the range of subjects.


  • Shaping the future
  • Shaping the region
  • More than learning and working

These three characteristics define Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
It is a trailblazer and ambassador for the future because it addresses future topics in teaching, research and transfer.
Teaching and studies are geared towards future skills and enable students to think outside the box.
Application and scientific excellence go hand in hand.
As a driving force for social, ecological and economic innovation, Coburg University of Applied Sciences shapes the region and is the heart and soul of the Coburg – Kronach – Lichtenfels innovation triangle.

Coburg University of Applied Sciences is diverse, informal and people-centered.
It is a place of holistic education, creativity and individual support.

Strategy and development paper: On the way to University 2030

Our mission

  • Holistic education is important to us
    We educate more than just specialists.
    We educate people.
    We develop personalities who use their professional and interdisciplinary skills to play a responsible role in social, economic and ecological development.
  • We are a place for the creation of ideas, experimentation and participation
    The individual person is at the center of all our activities.
    With all their special characteristics, uniqueness and singularity.
    In order to develop and promote the creativity, pioneering spirit and innovative potential of the individual and bring it into line with the needs of a rapidly changing economy and society, we rely on the interplay of diversity and individuality.
  • We think holistically, networked and sustainably
    We embody values and orientation anchors, we are a role model and model of a sustainability-conscious attitude for citizens and empower all university members to think outside the box and proactively shape the future.
    We are committed to our role as a driving force and hotbed of innovation in the region and, to this end, we bundle stable alliances and broad cooperation networks.
  • We encourage a rational, science-based culture of discussion
    Our thinking is based on research-based and scientific methods, approaches and results.
    We are committed to excellence in science and research, we reflect critically, we question, we broaden the horizon of thought and the usual perspective and are committed to involving all stakeholders inside and outside the university in the scientific discourse.
  • We are constantly reinventing ourselves
    And we are gearing our holistic teaching, research and transfer services towards the future in the service of the region and social cohesion.


Coburg University of Applied Sciences is well networked regionally, nationally and internationally.
There is a wide range of corporate cooperation – both in practice-oriented studies and in the area of research and transfer.
Coburg University of Applied Sciences cooperates with its neighboring universities in the region as well as with international partner universities.
A wide range of initiatives support the university and its students – both financially and ideally. Coburg University of Applied Sciences maintains partnerships with more than 90 universities worldwide. It implements a variety of projects with secondary schools in the region.
Individual cooperation agreements are in place.

Oberfranken Science Foundation

Oberfranken Science Foundation has set itself the goal of supporting the Upper Franconian universities of Bamberg and Bayreuth as well as the universities of Coburg and Hof.