Realize student projects

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Bright minds for the ideas of tomorrow

Over 4,500 students are a huge potential for innovation.
Take advantage of the fresh ideas of our students as part of a teaching or study project!
You define the topics, framework and content in consultation with our lecturers.
And as a practice partner, you will be actively involved in the project.
The students usually work on the tasks within one semester and you benefit from first-hand solutions – young, unconventional and creative.
At the same time, you give our young academics maximum practical relevance and often unforgettable insights into your organization.
We agree on the formal framework as part of a cooperation agreement.
We will be happy to put you in touch with the right experts at our university.

Our project study programs

The joint development of projects as part of practical teaching is becoming increasingly popular.
A number of degree courses are now explicitly project-based, i.e. the courses are made up of specific practical projects:

Final theses: Collaboration at a high level

In final theses (Bachelor’s and Master’s), science and practice are combined at a high level and applied to a specific problem. This is particularly successful and sustainable if the questions come directly from practice. As a practice partner, you can contribute particularly complex questions and problems and accompany our students over several months in their intensive examination of the topic. It is not uncommon for a long-term collaboration to develop – not only with the students, but also with the university and our scientists.


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