Exams and internships


Examination services

The Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes lead to internationally recognized academic degrees.
In order to obtain a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, students must pass examinations.
Each module that must be completed during the course of study concludes with an examination.
From the outset, all examinations are included in the overall final grade with a fixed weighting.
The legal basis for the modules to be completed and the type of examinations is the study and examination regulations SPO of the respective degree course, which are valid at the start of the course.

Types of checks

Depending on the degree program and module, there are various forms of examination.
The most important are

  • Written examination
  • Term paper
  • Presentation
  • Scientific report
  • Oral examination

Design-oriented degree programs are also common:

  • Examination papers
  • Portfolio
  • Written project report
  • Written implementation documentation

Bachelor’s thesis The Bachelor’s thesis is the final project of the degree program.
Students use it to prove that they can work independently in an academic environment.
As a rule, students have four months to complete their Bachelor’s thesis.

Exam organization

At Coburg University of Applied Sciences, examinations are organized centrally.
Students must register online in the student portal for the examinations they wish to take.
There are clearly regulated registration deadlines, which are set by the university’s examination board and announced at the beginning of the semester by circular email.
These deadlines are cut-off deadlines.
This means that only those who register for the examinations within these deadlines can take part in them.


There are two institutions at the university that deal with examinations:

  • The university’s examination office organizes the examinations and administers the examinations.
  • The examination board of the respective degree program or faculty

Examination board

There is an examination board with a chairperson for each faculty or individual degree program.
The examination board decides, for example, on

  • the recognition of periods of study as well as study and examination achievements
  • Consequences of violations of audit regulations
  • Applications for extensions of deadlines for the completion of examinations.
  • It confirms the issue of theses, reports the final grades for theses and grade changes to the Examinations Office and
  • confirms partial examination results


An internship before or during your studies allows you to gain valuable experience.
The internship before your studies (pre- or basic internship) helps you to find the right course of study.
This is because you learn what work in the respective subject area is all about and you can check your own ideas about the professional field against reality.
Internships during your studies help you to apply and deepen what you have learned.
This often also gives you an indication of what you would like to focus on during your studies.

Basic internship

Some degree programs at Coburg University of Applied Sciences require a so-called basic internship.
You can find out whether your chosen degree course requires a basic internship on the course page.
The duration of the basic internship is usually 6 to 12 weeks.
Ideally, it should be completed before you start your studies.
However, it is also possible to complete the basic internship during the lecture-free period up to the fourth semester.

Internship abroad

Both the compulsory internship and voluntary internships can be completed abroad.
There are a number of funding programs that support a practical study period abroad.
Further information is available in the Studying Abroad section and from the International Office at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.

Compulsory internship

All degree programs at Coburg University of Applied Sciences include an internship semester.
The duration of the internship semester varies between 18 and 26 weeks depending on the course.
It is usually completed in the fourth or fifth semester.
Information on the exact duration and timing of the internship semester can be found in the respective degree programs.
The Coburg University of Applied Sciences job exchange contains numerous offers from companies for the practical semester.

Voluntary internship

Regardless of the compulsory internship, all students are free to complete additional voluntary internships.
They offer the opportunity to “get a taste” of different companies and subject areas within their own degree course.
As a rule, voluntary internships last two to three months and take place during the lecture-free period.
The Coburg University of Applied Sciences job exchange also offers a number of opportunities.


The following document summarizes the most important basics for the basic internship and the practical semester at state universities of applied sciences in Bavaria.


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