The company

Offers for companies

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Companies and institutions can cooperate with Coburg University of Applied Sciences in a variety of ways. In studies, research, further education and much more. We will put you in touch with the right contact person and show you which forms of cooperation are possible.

Let’s work together! You can find an overview of the numerous possibilities and formats in our cooperation brochure. We hope you enjoy reading it. Please contact us for further advice. We will be happy to advise you.

Researching and developing together

Companies can work together with the university on research projects.
They participate, for example, by financing costs incurred within the scope of the project or by providing material resources or know-how.
Once the project has been completed, they can benefit from the results of the work.

Our research focuses

Researchers at Coburg University of Applied Sciences are currently working in five interdisciplinary research fields:

There are also research projects in the natural sciences and the humanities and social sciences.

Commissioning research and development

Coburg University of Applied Sciences provides support with its experts in various subject areas for the implementation of services in the field of research and development.
Companies gain direct access to expert knowledge and project results, and project processes and work packages are defined.
Through such collaborations, the university strengthens the practical relevance of teaching, research and transfer.

Finding the right contact person

Do you have a specific problem and are looking for experts in this field?
Then contact our Research Transfer Center (FTC).
This is where the information about which professors are currently working on which topics and which forms of collaboration are possible comes together.

Tools in the CREAPOLIS makerspaceWhat do the professors at the university actually do? How can I as a company benefit from their input?
Can our trainees do a joint project with students? Networking the university with companies in the region is the task of CREAPOLIS. The innovation and networking platform organizes various formats to bring companies and universities together and make knowledge available to companies. The project is based at the former Coburg abattoir. It offers companies – as well as the general public – a makerspace with workshops. This can be used in many different ways: From trainee workshops to makeathons, from repair cafés to short lectures. Do you have an idea for a format or cooperation?

Get in touch with us! Your point of contact: CREAPOLIS Directly to the homepage:

Employers who offer young people the opportunity to study with integrated vocational training (combined study program) or a study program with in-depth practical experience, …..

  • Those who supplement their studies with intensive practical phases are performance-oriented, determined and motivated. And ready to take on responsible tasks and their own projects during their studies.
  • Graduates of a combined degree program or a degree program with in-depth practical experience demonstrate at least 50% more practical experience than conventional students.
  • A longer induction period and cost-intensive trainee programs are no longer necessary. Students transition almost seamlessly from a joint degree program or a degree program with in-depth practical experience into working life.

Get to know the various models and differences. We have summarized which of these is suitable for your company and how you can attract students to study, e.g. as PraxisPlus, on the Dual Studies/PraxisPLUS, Studying with a practice partner page.

Bachelor’s or Master’s theses

Our students receive practical training. At the same time, they learn to deal with scientific issues. Students combine both in their Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. They develop practical solutions, e.g. to optimize processes in the company, and evaluate them scientifically at the same time. Students are also supervised by professors at the university. Contact is therefore usually made via the faculties or degree programs. We will be happy to help you find the right contact person/faculty.

Practical projects

Students often work on practical projects so that they can gain practical experience. Are you interested in a project with students?
And are you not sure which degree program or faculty is suitable for collaboration? Then please get in touch with us on.


Scholarships for students are a good way to get in touch with talented young people at an early stage. If your company has its own scholarship program, we will be happy to make this known to our students and support you in the selection process. However, you can also take part in the Germany Scholarship of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The Germany Scholarship gives Coburg University of Applied Sciences the opportunity to provide financial support to particularly committed students and to enable them to make intensive contact with business practice. To this end, we acquire scholarships from companies, institutions and private individuals.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research adds the same amount for each scholarship of 150 euros per month.

This enables us to support some of our students with 300 euros per month for two semesters. When selecting scholarship holders, we look for very good academic performance, extracurricular commitment, personal and family circumstances as well as particular successes and practical experience.
Are you interested in the Germany Scholarship? Then please contact our Corporate Cooperation team.

These companies and institutions support our Germany Scholarship 2023/2024

  • BAURCONSULT Architects Engineers
  • bayme vbm e.V.
  • Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft, Coburg
  • CPM GmbH Company for project management
  • Feintechnik GmbH Eisfeld
  • FTE automotive GmbH
  • GE Additives
  • Glen Dimplex Germany GmbH
  • HEINZ-GLAS GmbH & Co. KGaA
  • Coburg University Association
  • Coburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • KOINOR Horst Müller Foundation
  • marcapo GmbH
  • Raab Baugesellschaft mbH & Co KG
  • Rainer Markgraf Foundation
  • Coburg-Lichtenfels Savings Bank
  • TenneT TSO GmbH
  • Business development agency of the city of Coburg mbH

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Start-up support

A promising idea, a new market niche or the development of a product during their studies – for some students, the question arises at some point as to whether they should set up their own company.
Established companies can get involved as practice partners and sponsors.
They not only benefit from the development of innovative and experimental business ideas in their own business environment, but also promote the innovative strength and vitality of their own location.
Information on start-up funding opportunities is available from the Research Transfer Center (FTC).

Mentoring for female students

Coburg University of Applied Sciences supports prospective female engineers at the start of their careers.
We are therefore looking for experienced female mentors who would like to pass on their knowledge and experience.
Although female engineers can now be found in almost all areas of technology and natural sciences, the professional situation for women in the engineering sector is still a particular challenge.
As a company, you can make targeted use of mentoring as a suitable and proven means of developing young talent.
You accompany female students during a longer phase, get to know them well and specifically promote the development of skills that are of central importance in your company.
Your company will also be recognized for its social commitment. To the mentoring program

Job and career fair at Coburg University of Applied Sciences

At the =”margin-bottom:20px;”>Coburg Job and Career Fair, you can get to know students and graduates of Coburg University of Applied Sciences. Present your company as an attractive employer and provide information about current vacancies and career opportunities. Over 100 companies and institutions took up the offer in 2023. Together with the IHK zu Coburg, we are strengthening the region. As a university, we keep an eye on our innovation triangle Coburg – Kronach – Lichtenfels and also enable supra-regional employers to participate. Have we piqued your interest? Please write to us at campusmesse[at] hs-coburg .de.

University and company in dialog

Together with bayme vbm – the Bavarian metal and electrical employers – Coburg University of Applied Sciences invites students to the annual University and Entrepreneurs in Dialog event.
As part of this cooperative event, companies from the region present themselves and talk to students. Companies wishing to present themselves at the event should contact bayme vbm (Upper Franconia) directly.

Practice fairs

Some degree programs also offer special internship fairs for their students. The Faculty of Social Work, for example, organizes the Social Work Practice Fair once a year, while the Faculty of Natural Sciences organizes the Bioanalytics Symposium. Companies can publish


job offers for students in the university job exchange. This allows them to reach not only students at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, but also students and graduates from 19 Bavarian universities of applied sciences (HAWs). This currently amounts to around 110,000 young people.
Offers for final theses, positions for dual studies, internships abroad and doctoral positions can be published free of charge. Regular job offers and student jobs are subject to a fee. In addition to the classic publication of job vacancies, the university job exchange offers other opportunities to become known to the young professionals of tomorrow. From finding the right intern, advertising recruiting events, creating a company profile to participating in the jointly organized internship days at the end of February / beginning of March: the university job exchange bundles your personnel activities for students – regionally or throughout Bavaria.
Directly to the university job exchange of the Bavarian HAWs

Module study

With modular studies, those interested in continuing education can enrol for individual modules from a degree program. This enables them to:

  • to enter a degree program flexibly and gradually
  • to acquire professionally relevant academic skills alongside your job without having to attend a full degree course with a corresponding standard period of study.

To the module study

Contact for further training

The Faculty of Continuing Education organizes academic continuing education courses at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Here you will find the right contacts for companies and those interested in continuing education.

Study while working

Employers who wish to provide their employees with further qualifications can enable them to study part-time.
Coburg University of Applied Sciences offers the following part-time degree programs:

Certificate courses

The modern working world is characterized by change. This makes it all the more important to provide employees with regular further training. The Faculty of Continuing Education develops individual continuing education measures for your company and works closely with companies in academic continuing education. Overview of the training formats

Newsletter for companies

Would you like to receive news from Coburg University of Applied Sciences? Then subscribe to our newsletter for companies and cooperation partners. Once a month, we compile interesting news and developments from the university. We also offer a second issue especially for alumni.


Simply register using the following form. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail. Please note: Your details will be sent to our server in encrypted form. You agree that we may use this information to contact you and (if desired) to send you our newsletter. You can find our privacy policy here.

Contact us

A smiling person with short brown hair, wearing a navy blazer over a floral top, stands confidently against a light gray background, embodying the professional spirit of Hochschule Coburg.
Verena Blume

Management Corporate cooperations

Find out about the opportunities for cooperation

Companies and institutions can cooperate with Coburg University of Applied Sciences in a variety of ways.
In studies, research, further education and much more. We will put you in touch with the right contact person and show you which forms of cooperation are possible.

Further qualify your staff academically / further training

You can find an overview of the continuing education courses offered by the university in the overview of continuing education formats. The Faculty of Continuing Education organizes academic continuing education courses at Coburg University of Applied Sciences. Here you will find the right contacts for companies and those interested in continuing education.

Module study

At the Module study those interested in continuing education can register for individual modules from a degree program. This enables them to:

  • to enter a degree program flexibly and gradually
  • to acquire professionally relevant academic skills alongside your job without having to attend a full degree course with a corresponding standard period of study.

Study while working

Employers who wish to provide their employees with further qualifications can enable them to study part-time. Coburg University of Applied Sciences offers the following part-time degree courses:



Certificate courses

The modern working world is characterized by change. This makes it all the more important to provide employees with regular further training. The Faculty of Continuing Education develops individual continuing education measures for your company and works closely with companies in academic continuing education.

Research and develop together with us / Research

Researching and developing together

Companies can work together with the university on research projects. They participate, for example, by financing costs incurred within the scope of the project or by providing material resources or know-how.
Once the project has been completed, they can benefit from the results of the work.

Our main areas of research and research fields

Researchers at Coburg University of Applied Sciences are currently working together in a wide variety of interdisciplinary fields. Find out more about the research profile of Coburg University of Applied Sciences.

Commissioning research and development

Coburg University of Applied Sciences provides experts in various fields to assist with the implementation of research and development services. Companies gain direct access to expert knowledge and project results, and project processes and work packages are defined. In turn, the university strengthens the practical relevance of teaching, research and transfer through such collaborations.

Finding the right contact person

Do you have a specific problem and are looking for experts in this field? Then contact our Research Transfer Center (FTC). This is where the information comes together about which professors are currently working on which topics and which forms of collaboration are possible.

Promoting innovations and networks / Innovations

What do the professors at the university actually do? How can I as a company benefit from their input?
Can our trainees do a joint project with students? Networking the university with companies in the region is the task of CREAPOLIS. The innovation and networking platform organizes various formats to bring companies and universities together and make knowledge available to companies. The project is based at the former Coburg abattoir. It offers companies – as well as the general public – a makerspace with workshops.
This can be used in many different ways: From trainee workshops to makeathons, from repair cafés to short lectures. Do you have an idea for a format or cooperation? Talk to us!

Enable your trainees to study with intensive practical relevance

Employers who offer young people the opportunity to study with integrated vocational training (combined study program) or a study program with in-depth practical experience, …..

  • Those who supplement their studies with intensive practical phases are performance-oriented, determined and motivated.
    And ready to take on responsible tasks and their own projects during their studies.
  • Graduates of a combined degree program or a degree program with in-depth practical experience demonstrate at least 50% more practical experience than conventional students.
  • A longer induction period and cost-intensive trainee programs are no longer necessary.
    Students transition almost seamlessly from a joint degree program or a degree program with in-depth practical experience into working life.

Get to know the various models and differences. We have summarized which of these is suitable for your company and how you can attract students to study, e.g. as PraxisPlus, on the Dual Studies/PraxisPLUS, Studying with a practice partner page.

Realizing projects with students / Student projects

Bachelor’s or Master’s theses Our students receive practical training. At the same time, they learn to deal with scientific issues. Students combine both in their Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. They develop practical solutions, e.g. to optimize processes in the company, and at the same time evaluate them scientifically. Students are also supervised by professors at the university. Contact is therefore usually made via the faculties or degree courses. We will be happy to help you find the right contact person at the right faculty. Practical projectsStudents often work on practical projects so that they can gain practical experience. Are you interested in working on a project with students? And are you not sure which degree program or which faculty is suitable for collaboration? Then please get in touch with us on.

Supporting students and founders / Scholarships


Scholarships for students are a good way to get in touch with talented young people at an early stage.
If your company has its own scholarship program, we will be happy to make this known to our students and support you in the selection process. However, you can also take part in the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The Germany Scholarship gives Coburg University of Applied Sciences the opportunity to provide financial support to particularly committed students and to enable them to make intensive contact with business practice. To this end, we acquire scholarships from companies, institutions and private individuals. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research adds the same amount for each scholarship of 150 euros per month. This enables us to support some of our students with 300 euros per month for two semesters. When selecting scholarship recipients, we look for very good academic performance, extracurricular commitment, personal and family circumstances as well as particular successes and practical experience.

These companies and institutions support our Deutschlandstipendium 2023/2024

  • BAURCONSULT Architects Engineers
  • bayme vbm e.V.
  • Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft, Coburg
  • CPM GmbH Company for project management
  • Feintechnik GmbH Eisfeld
  • FTE automotive GmbH
  • GE Additives
  • Glen Dimplex Germany GmbH
  • HEINZ-GLAS GmbH & Co. KGaA
  • Coburg University Association
  • Coburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • KOINOR Horst Müller Foundation
  • marcapo GmbH
  • Raab Baugesellschaft mbH & Co KG
  • Rainer Markgraf Foundation
  • Coburg-Lichtenfels Savings Bank
  • TenneT TSO GmbH
  • Business development agency of the city of Coburg mbH

Start-up support

A promising idea, a new market niche or the development of a product during their studies – for some students, the question arises at some point as to whether they should set up their own company.
Established companies can get involved as practice partners and sponsors. They not only benefit from the development of innovative and experimental business ideas in their own business environment, but also promote the innovative strength and vitality of their own location. Information on start-up funding opportunities is available from the Start-up and Self-Employment team.

Mentoring for female students

Coburg University of Applied Sciences supports prospective female engineers at the start of their careers.
We are therefore looking for experienced female mentors who would like to pass on their knowledge and experience. Although female engineers can now be found in almost all areas of technology and natural sciences, the professional situation for women in the engineering sector is still a particular challenge. As a company, you can make targeted use of mentoring as a suitable and proven means of developing young talent. You accompany female students during a longer phase, get to know them well and specifically promote the development of skills that are of central importance in your company. Your company will also be recognized for its social commitment.

Finding contact with students / Jobs

Job and career fair at Coburg University of Applied Sciences

At the Coburg Job and Career Fair, you can get to know students and graduates of Coburg University of Applied Sciences. Present your company as an attractive employer and provide information about current vacancies and career opportunities. Over 100 companies and institutions took advantage of the offer in 2023. Together with the IHK zu Coburg, we are strengthening the region. As a university, we keep an eye on our innovation triangle Coburg – Kronach – Lichtenfels and also enable supra-regional employers to participate. Have we piqued your interest? Please write to us at campusmesse[at] hs-coburg .de.

Practice fairs

Some degree programs also offer special internship fairs for their students. Find out about the possibilities of attending. Companies can publish job offers for students in the university job exchange.
This allows them to reach not only students at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, but also students and graduates from 19 Bavarian universities of applied sciences (HAWs). This currently amounts to around 110,000 young people. Offers for final theses, positions for dual studies, internships abroad and doctoral positions can be published free of charge. Regular job offers and student jobs are subject to a fee.
In addition to the classic publication of job vacancies, the university job exchange offers other opportunities to become known to the young professionals of tomorrow. From finding the right intern, advertising recruiting events, creating a company profile to participating in the jointly organized internship days at the end of February / beginning of March: the university job exchange bundles your personnel activities for students – regionally or throughout Bavaria. Directly to the university job exchange of the Bavarian HAWs

An overview of the diverse cooperation formats

Let’s work together! You can find an overview of the numerous possibilities and formats in our cooperation brochure. We hope you enjoy reading it. Please contact us for further advice. We will be happy to advise you.