A diverse group of people seated and attentively listening at the Hochschule Coburg conference. The attendees, both men and women, are casually dressed, with some wearing name tags. A blurred background suggests a professional event setting.

22. July '24

from Cindy Dötschel

In cooperation with bayme, Coburg University of Applied Sciences offers companies from Upper Franconia the opportunity to present themselves to students and lecturers every year in June.
This year with a new concept.
Three Upper Franconian companies from the metal and electrical industry, three professors from Coburg University of Applied Sciences, three current topics in the business world – the aim of the “3×3” event is to find out together where the shoe pinches, what works theoretically and practically and where the challenges lie in shaping the future.
With different perspectives and approaches to solutions and scientific expertise.
The first event in the series in the new format was a complete success.
After a brief insight into their company, the managing directors of the KAPP NILES Group, biTTner Werkzeugbau GmbH and Dietz GmbH got down to business.
Together with professors from Coburg University of Applied Sciences, the managing directors discussed relevant topics such as crisis security, company succession and the importance of the domestic market.
The event, which provided some extremely personal insights into the everyday lives of the managing directors, was moderated by Dr. Markus Neufeld, Head of the Department of Transfer and Entrepreneurship at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Afterwards, the 140 or so participants had the opportunity to network and exchange ideas at various topic islands Were you unable to attend this year’s event?
Here are nine reasons why you missed out:

“The exchange between us entrepreneurs, the university and students was a benefit for all sides, both on stage and in the follow-up discussions. For us smaller companies in particular, this was an excellent opportunity to network with the young experts and innovators of the future!” Dr. Florian Bertges, biTTner Werkzeugbau GmbH “It was a very successful evening.
Exciting discussions, interesting people and a lively exchange.
All in all, a great event and a super format!”
Amelie Riek, student “To ensure that we remain competitive and fit for the future as a business location in Upper Franconia, a close exchange with our educational institutions is incredibly important. After all, the region’s colleges and universities train and qualify the young talent that our companies urgently need. Events like this are a great forum for a close exchange between business and education. That’s why we were happy to host them together with Coburg University of Applied Sciences.”
Patrick Püttner, Managing Director of the vbw Upper Franconia district group “The evening showed that our expertise at Coburg University of Applied Sciences is absolutely in tune with the times and therefore valuable for the region. Once again, it became clear how important it is to talk to each other and learn from each other – this evening offered ample opportunity for this: both on stage with the companies present and our participating professors as well as during the informal part afterwards. Chapeau!”
Prof. Dr. Stefan Gast, President of Coburg University of Applied Sciences

“The evening brought practice and science closer together once again. Simply inspiring.” Prof. Dr. Michael Hartmann

“3×3 is more than 9. The event impressively demonstrated how enriching the dialog between science and practice can be. The enthusiasm and practical insights of all participants provided valuable inspiration for my research and teaching.” Prof. Dr. Thomas Schauerte “The panel discussion gave an insight into how individual solutions were found to make business succession a success. I was also particularly pleased that the format appealed to many students who wanted to engage with companies and make contacts.” Prof. Dr. Hedwig Schmid
“I had been familiar with the previous event for years, which I always enjoyed attending. What you and your team have achieved with the ‘3 x 3 …’ concept is not just an update, you have taken the event to a whole new level. The fresh format, in which you as the moderator threw a question like a ball into the round and answers from one interviewee were supplemented by quick-witted and very authentic comments from the other entrepreneurs and experts, was unique and very entertaining. This is also in line with the very positive feedback from the students present. Keep it up, I’m already looking forward to the next 3×3 in 2025!”
Prof. Dr. Claus-Burkard Böhnlein “The new 3×3 format as a cooperation between our Coburg University of Applied Sciences and the vbw shows how important cooperation between business and science is. The intensive, entertaining and highly interesting discussions at the premiere make the potential progress that lies in these collaborations tangible. This format is an absolute gain for the science and business location.”
Eric Rösner, authorized signatory of Wifög Coburg

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