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2. July '24

(Press office)

Resource-conserving, environmentally friendly and also affordable: “Kleiner Wohnen Redwitz” is an exemplary project for future-oriented construction.
It is being supported by a research project at Coburg University of Applied Sciences led by Prof. Dr. Rainer Hirth – and the designs by Coburg architecture students have already attracted the interest of Bavarian Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber.
Students from the Faculty of Design at Coburg University of Applied Sciences have created building designs that have now been shown in the community center in Redwitz.
The innovative inner-city settlement and housing pilot project is about creating alternative, space-saving, resource-efficient and social forms of housing in rural areas.
Environmental compatibility is also a top priority in construction.
The project of the municipality of Redwitz a.d.Rodach and Raab Baugesellschaft (Ebensfeld) will be accompanied and supported for two years by a research project of Prof. Dr. Rainer Hirth from the Coburg University of Applied Sciences and funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection.
A few days after an information event for interested parties and future residents, Environment Minister Glauber visited the project, examined the student designs with interest and exchanged ideas with those involved in the project.
The aim is to create natural, communal living without fences.
A simple construction method (building class E) should enable cost-effective, optimized living on small floor plans.
Another goal for the project is an energy- and resource-saving, climate-friendly construction method with low land sealing thanks to a central parking lot instead of access roads and parking areas in the residential area.
A former pond is also to be restored.
“Something like this can only succeed if everyone involved puts their heart and soul into it,” said the Minister.

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