The website of Coburg University of Applied Sciences was translated using translation software provided by a third-party provider such as DeepL. The official text is the German version of the website. No liability is assumed, either explicitly or implicitly, for the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of the translations into another language.

28. April '17

Prof. Rudolf Schricker teaches on the Interior Design course at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
A new edition of his interior design study guide has been published just in time for the application phase.
The study guide presents the interior design courses at 16 German universities with their main areas of study and provides insider tips for studying and working life.
The book is made particularly interesting by the presentation of the best Bachelor’s and Master’s theses from the individual universities.
Interviews with executives from top companies in the industry make it clear what the future professional life of interior designers will look like and what is expected of graduates.
Bibliographic data: Rudolf Schricker: Interior design study guide, Callwey Verlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-7667-2255-3, EUR 29.95

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