A man with glasses and a beard is being interviewed by a TV crew at Hochschule Coburg. Smiling, he wears a navy sweater over a white shirt. A camera and microphone are visible, while a woman with blonde hair stands with her back to the camera. Posters decorate the wall behind them.

26. June '24

(Press office)

What is beautiful, what is aesthetic – and what is the difference?
This is the subject of the latest edition of 4you, the university magazine of TV Oberfranken.
This time with Prof. Dr. Michael Heinrich from the Faculty of Design at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
In the program 4you, TV Oberfranken regularly provides insights into the four Upper Franconian universities.
For the current report, the film team visited the Institute of Man & Aesthetics at the University of Bamberg and Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
At the Faculty of Design at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Michael Heinrich explains why aesthetics is not the same as “beautiful” and how the aesthetic design of human environments influences well-being. Heinrich’ s background is in design and stage design – and he uses this practical example to teach students in Coburg about aesthetic principles in projects and seminars.
“Through aesthetics, students learn how many human needs there are, including psychological needs – and how design can fulfill them.”
Orientation, safety, novelty, security and social belonging are examples of such different, essential needs.
“Aesthetics can provide an answer to all of them,” says Heinrich, explaining that when designing a stage set, for example, students learn how cheerfulness can be created and how an eerie effect can be created.
Heinrich has a doctorate in psychological aesthetics and is also responsible for these topics at the institute.
Medical psychologist Prof. Dr. Niko Kohls from the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Health at Coburg University of Applied Sciences contributes his expertise in health promotion and Prof. Dr. Christian Illies from the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg enriches the Institute with aspects of philosophy and ethics. TV report The program will be broadcast on Wednesday, June 26 at 6.30 pm via cable and at 7.30 pm via satellite (FrankenPlus) and will then be available in the TVO media library: http://www.tvo.de/mediathek/kategorie/sendungen/4you/. Study If you are interested in one of the exciting degree courses at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, you can currently register for the winter semester here.

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