3. July '24
(Press office)
Gender equality and the fight against and prevention of sexualized violence are among the central topics of the Faculty of Social Work at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
As part of the cooperation with the association “No violence against women”, Prof. Dr. Claudia Lohrenscheit provided information on current issues in Coburg’s Münzmeisterhaus.
The exhibition “Was ich anhatte” (What I wore) is on display here until Saturday, July 6. This touring exhibition on sexualized violence bears the motto “It’s not the victim’s fault! – A woman is not raped because she wears a miniskirt”.
Prof. Dr. Claudia Lohrenscheit from the Faculty of Social Work at Coburg University of Applied Sciences enriched the content of the accompanying program: As part of the long-standing cooperation with the association “Keine Gewalt gegen Frauen e.V.”
Coburg – Kronach – Lichtenfels, Lohrenscheit supported the women’s association and the Coburg women’s shelter as well as the women’s emergency hotline and intervention center with her lecture.
The professor emphasized the relevance of the topic for society as a whole. Violence against women in all age groups and social classes Every third woman has experienced physical or sexual violence at least once in her life – and this applies to all age groups and social classes.
“The annual statistics from the Federal Criminal Police Office show that The most dangerous place for women is their home,” said Lohrenscheit, “Every day a man tries to kill his partner or ex-partner; every second or third day this succeeds. That is why feminists worldwide are calling for a separate criminal offense against this form of gender-based violence (femicide).”
Politics and human rights, gender, inclusion, diversity and sexual self-determination rights are among Lohrenscheit’s main areas of research and teaching at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
In her lecture, she explained that there is a network of highly professional social and legal work that advises, accompanies and supports victims of violence.
“There is support and solidarity in the global women’s and queer-feminist movements. But it’s not enough.”
Sexism and violence against women are not on the decline; on the contrary: the numbers are rising – not only during the coronavirus pandemic, but also right now, during the European Football Championship or regularly on festive and public holidays.
An employee from the “No violence against women” association explained: “Women’s shelters and specialist advice centers save lives! But there are still not enough places, they are unevenly distributed and underfunded. In absolute emergencies, women have to pay for their own protection. This must change now! We are hoping for the planned Violence Assistance Act.”
Lohrenscheit added: “Not only are there a permanent lack of sufficient resources, but the headwind is becoming increasingly strong: anti-feminism has become socially acceptable again. Right-wing extremist and right-wing populist movements are on the rise worldwide and with them the call for traditional values and gender roles that want to reduce women to their roles as housewives and mothers”.
The traveling exhibition can be visited until Saturday, July 6; guided tours for small groups can also be booked (at info@keinegewalt gegenfrauen-coburg.de).
Further information at: Home (keinegewaltgegenfrauen-coburg.de).