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14. August '24

By Marion Haase

For foreign students, studying at Coburg University of Applied Sciences is not the only attractive option; they are also interested in internships or jobs in the region. However, application documents and job interviews look different in countries such as India, Egypt or Pakistan than they do in Germany. This is why the university’s International Office and the Senior Experts organized an application workshop for international students.

Students from five nations took part in the workshop. The aim was to provide participants with the necessary tools and techniques to optimize their application documents, successfully prepare for job interviews and clarify cultural differences in the application process. Students from courses such as the English-language Master’s programs Analytical Instruments, Measurement and Sensor Technology (AIMS), Financial Management, Autonomous Driving and the Bachelor’s program in Automation Technology and Robotics had also brought application documents with them to receive practical tips for their job search. Presenting strengths, avoiding mistakes On behalf of the International Office, which organized the workshop, Marion Haase welcomed the three Senior Experts, Ralf Faaß, Gerald Jirka and Karin Schlecht.

The Senior Experts are a group of experienced professionals who are already retired or about to retire. They offer their professional experience and knowledge to all students and lecturers at Coburg University of Applied Sciences in order to provide them with practical assistance in various areas. At the application workshop, three of these senior experts also provided insights into the areas of administration, finance, controlling, sales, marketing, development, corporate management, consulting, project management and organization. “The students are very interested in the practical side of working life in Germany,” explains Karin Schlecht.

Together with Gerald Jirka, she provided information on how to present your strengths and experience in the best possible way and avoid typical mistakes. Ralf Faaß shared with the students important approaches to communication and behavior when making contact with companies from his many years of professional experience. Cultural differences After the basics for creating a CV and cover letter had been taught, the previous application experiences were discussed in small groups with the senior experts. In the large group, individual motivation letters and CVs were examined, suggestions for changes were developed and feedback from companies and how to deal with rejections and acceptances were discussed.

Based on their many years of professional experience, the three senior experts also gave tips on how to prepare for and behave in a job interview and discussed cultural differences in the application process with the students. “In Germany, for example, it’s not usual to send just a two-liner by email,” explains Karin Schlecht. The workshop offered the international students valuable support on their way into the German job market. They were particularly positive about the personal support and the practical exercises – and the participants can also count on support from the senior experts during their further studies: Anyone who has questions or would like advice or guidance should approach them, emphasized Ralf Faaß.

The Senior Experts offer all students at Coburg University of Applied Sciences individual advice and competent support for starting a career. The Senior Experts pass on their practical professional experience to students and enjoy the lively exchange. “We really enjoy that,” says Schlecht. “The workshop was very lively and entertaining.” The International Office at Coburg University of Applied Sciences is planning to offer similar workshops regularly in the future.

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