Antje Vondran
Teaching and research areas
- Biotechnology
- Pharmaceutical research
- Flow cytometry
- Fluorescence microscopy
- Hybridoma technologies
- Expression systems
- Molecular biological methods
- Immunological detection techniques
Functions at the university
- Senior lecturer FAN Bioanalytics
- Representative for Biological Safety BBS of the HS Coburg
- Safety officers (SiBe) for
- the genetic engineering facility (Friedrich-Streib-Str.) of the HS Coburg
- the microbiological laboratory of safety level S2
- Food chemistry, technology and analytics
- Cell and tissue culture
- Good Manufacturing Practice GMP
- Flow Cytometry
- Internship Biology
- Practical course Microbiology 1 and 2
- Regulatory Affairs
- interdisciplinary projects
Short vita
- Coburg University
- 2022/2023 Study Bioanalytics M. Sc.
- until 2008: Roche Diagnostics GmbH
- until 1998: Boehringer Mannheim GmbH
- Study Biotechnology at the FH Weihenstephan