Dipl.-Psych. et Theol. Gerald Jose
Teaching and research areas
- Empirical research methods
- Quantitative methods
- Qualitative methods
- Social psychology
- Differential psychology and diagnostics
- Health psychology
- Ethics
- Philosophy of science
At the university
- Head of the crisis intervention team (PSNV)
- Member of the external crisis team
Outside the university
- Spokesperson for the Psychosocial Emergency Care (PSNV) working group for the city and district of Coburg
- Emergency psychologist and counselor
- SAW II (Methods of Empirical Research)
- Statistics
- Evaluation
- Psychosocial diagnostics
- Ethics
- Scientific work
Short vita
- 07/2006 – 08/2008: Coordinator of the interdisciplinary DFG Research Training Group “Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit: Ursachen, Phänomenologie, Konsequenzen (GRK 884)” of the Universities of Marburg, Bielefeld and Gießen( and research assistant in the Social Psychology working group (Prof. Dr. Wagner) at the Department of Psychology of the Philipps University of Marburg
- since 1998: Pastor to marginalized groups, social worker (and guitar teacher) in Frankfurt’s Bahnhofsviertel district
- Studied theology, philosophy, sociology, educational science and psychology in Trier, Tübingen and Frankfurt am Main
- 1965: Born in Saarbrücken
- Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP)
- Förderverein Bahnhofs- und Gutleutviertel e.V.