Prof. Dr. Christian Holtorf
Teaching and research areas
- History of knowledge
- Cultural studies
Functions at the university
- Member of the WiKu Council
- Member of the Standing Selection Committee for Research Professorships
- Member of the Committee for Research and Young Scientists
- Cultural and social sciences
- Philosophy and philosophy of science
- cultural and political education
Short vita
- 2023: University prize for excellent teaching
- 2022: Management of the interdisciplinary theme year “Technology and Sport” of the TechnologieAllianz Oberfranken
- 2020: Visiting researcher at the Institute for Human Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.
- 2019: “Creapolis Award for outstanding transfer” for the educational project “Sounds of the future.
Artificial intelligence between perfection and responsibility”.
Film report from itv coburg - 2018: Main prize from the Coburg University of Applied Sciences Innovation Fund for the exhibition project “Models that mean the world. How knowledge is created”.
- 2016 – 2020: Dean of Studies of the Science and Culture Center, Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
- 2015/16: Visiting researcher at the Gotha Research Center, University of Erfurt.
- 2011 – 2014: Head of of the Science and Culture Center, Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
- Since 2011: Professor of Science Research and Science Communication, Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
- 2010: Fellow of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (USA).
- 2009: Doctorate at the Institute for Cultural Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin.
- 2000 – 2010: initially Scientific Officer, then Head of the Science Department, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden.
- 1994 – 1998: Research assistant in the parliamentary office of Dr. Antje Vollmer, German Bundestag Bonn.
- 1989 – 1994: Master’s degree in history, philosophy and psychology, Philipps-Universität Marburg and Freie Universität Berlin.
- 1987: Abitur, Uhland-Gymnasium Tübingen.
- Society for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology
- Association for the History of Science
- Society for Historical Anthropology
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Coburg Historical Society
- Erfurt SpaceTime Research” working group
- History and Theory” working group