Prof. Dr. Martin Prechtl
Teaching and research areas
- Dynamics, esp.
Mathematical methods of dynamics - Applied mathematics for engineering sciences
Within the university
- Head of Laboratory for Applied Vacuum Technology
- Member of the Faculty Council
- Lecturer at the Student Research Center
Outside the university
- Liaison lecturer of the Hans Seidel Foundation
- Member of the advisory board of the Evang.
Youth Education Center Neukirchen
- Mathematics / Math.
Methods - Dynamics, Higher dynamics
- Fundamental physics for engineers
Short vita
- since 10/2009: Professor of Technical Mechanics and Mechatronics, Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- Lecturer in physics and vacuum technology, Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Techn.
Head of Hydrogen Injection (Nuclear Fusion), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics - Visiting Scientist at the Lab for Plasma Physics, Ecole Royale Militaire, Brussels
- Ion Cyclotron Researcher (EU Training Network), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
- Development Engineer Production Encoder Electronics, HEIDENHAIN GmbH
- Doctorate in the field of additive manufacturing, Univ.
Erlangen-Nuremberg - Diploma studies in Phys.
Technology (specializing in technical physics), Munich University of Applied Sciences
Textbook: M. Prechtl: Mathematical dynamics – models and analytical methods of kinematics and kinetics.
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2016(to SpringerLink)