Prof. Dr. Martin Synold
Teaching and research areas
- Construction and design of resource-efficient structures with innovative materials
- Lightweight construction
- Adaptive building envelopes
Functions at the university
- Vice President for Research and Junior Academics since May 2022
- Head of the General Civil Engineering program
- Head of the Energy Efficient Building Design program
- Member of the Design Faculty Council
- Member of the Campus Design Space Commission
- Senate Committee for Research and Young Scientists
- Cross-material structural design
- Structural analysis
- Timber construction
- Supporting structures with innovative materials
- Structural dynamics and load-bearing structures
- Interdisciplinary project
Short vita
- Professorship “Construction and design of resource-efficient load-bearing structures with innovative materials” at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- Lectureships at the University of Stuttgart and the FH Technikum Kärnten
- Project manager and authorized signatory at the engineering office Werner Sobek Stuttgart
- Freelance work as a structural engineer
- Doctorate on the topic of material-appropriate force application in prestressed membrane structures (Reporter: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Schlaich, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. Werner Sobek, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hans-Wolf Reinhardt)
- Research assistant at the University of Stuttgart, Institute for Structural Design and Construction (Prof. J. Schlaich) and Institute for Lightweight Design and Construction (Prof. W. Sobek)
- Studied structural engineering at the TH Leipzig and the University of Stuttgart
- Training as a concrete worker
- International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS)
- Association of Tensioned Membrane Structures (TensiNet)
- Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Engineers (INGBW)
- Bundesstiftung Baukultur e.V., Support Association
- Association for the Promotion of Lightweight Construction e.V.
- Department Day Civil Engineering
- Technical Committee for Structural Engineering