
Prof. Dr. Michael Wick


Teaching and research areas
Functions at the university
Short vita
OPTICO simulation tool
Main research areas

Teaching and research areas

  • Optical measurement technology
  • Computational Imaging
  • Multiphysics Simulation
  • Sensor technology

Functions at the university

  • Program Director – Master Analytical Instruments, Measurement and Sensor Technology (AIMS)
  • Program Director – Bachelor Engineering Physics


  • Physics 6 – Atomic and Nuclear Physics
  • Sensor Technologies
  • Computer simulation
  • Computational Imaging

Short vita

  • since 8/2016: Professor at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences
  • 2011-2016: Senior Scientist, Central Research at Carl Zeiss AG
  • 2007-2010: Doctorate in Theoretical Physics, Technical University of Munich
  • 2007: Diploma in Physics, Technical University of Munich
  • 2003: Vordiplom in Physics, Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg
  • 2001: Vordiplom in Physical Technology, Coburg University of Applied Sciences

OPTICO simulation tool

Together with students, Prof. Dr. Michael Wick has developed a web-based simulation tool in the field of optics.
The interactive tool simulates light refraction on lenses and in real time and offers the following features: spot diagram (3D), transverse aberration diagram, spherical lenses, ideal lenses, mirrors, apertures, rudimentary ZEMAX import

To the OPTICO simulation tool

Main research areas

Prof. Dr. Michael Wick is involved in the development and simulation of optical systems in the fields of metrology, health care, microscopy and photography.
In the simulation of imaging systems, his focus is on the development of new methods for physics-based rendering at the interface of physics/optics and computer graphics.
Another focus of his work is the reconstruction and solution of inverse problems that arise in the aforementioned application areas.
He is also interested in the 3D capture and digitization of optical properties of objects for the fields of health care and cultural heritage.
Prof. Wick is also developing new didactic methods for the interactive visualization of physical relationships.
Prof. Wick is a member of the Sensor Technology and Analytics research focus at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.