Prof. Friedemann Zeitler
Teaching and research areas
- Energy assessment and optimization of buildings
- thermal building physics
Functions at the university
- Head of the Energy Efficient Building Design program
- Student advisor
- Energy-efficient building design
- Thermal building physics
- Passive house planning
Short vita
- since 2011: Professorship at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- Foundation and management of plan-bee GmbH, planning company for building physics and energy efficiency
- Partner in the Siebert building surveyor’s office in Penzberg
- Specialist editor and lecturer at the Institute for International Architectural Documentation (DETAIL-Verlag)
- Scientific assistant at the TUM at the Chair of Design, Building Construction and Building Materials Prof. Dr. Th.
Hugues - Professional experience as an architect in all service phases
- Studied architecture at the TU Munich
- Year of birth: 1964
- Bavarian Chamber of Architects
- BAYERNenergie e.V., professional association of Bavarian energy consultants
- Competence network DIN V 18599, working group in cooperation with the BMVBS