Prof. Mario Tvrtkovic
Teaching and research areas
- Sustainable urban planning and urban and rural development
- Transformative research
- Urban morphology
- Post-war modernism in Europe
- Village building
At the university
- Member of the Faculty Council
Outside the university
- Member of the advisory board “Band für Kultur, Wissenschaft, Dienstleistung und Gewerbe”, City of Coburg
- Urban planning and design
Short vita
- since 2013: Professor of Urban Planning and Design at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- Guest criticism at the TU Darmstadt, FUAS Frankfurt, Uni Kassel
- 2011: “45plus Post-War Architecture in Europe”, membership and development of an international network for research into post-war modernism in Europe
- 2008: Foundation of the Urbanorbit office, Cologne | Stuttgart with Prof. Dr. Maren Harnack
- 2005 – 2013: Research assistant and lecturer at the TU Darmstadt, Department of Urban Design and Settlement Development.
(Prof. Markus Gasser) - 2004 – 2008: Freelance work for architecture and urban planning offices in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Zurich
- 1998 – 2004: Studied architecture and urban planning at the BUGH Wuppertal and the TU Darmstadt, diploma at the TU Darmstadt (2004)
- German Academy for Urban and Regional Planning – DASL
- Bavarian Chamber of Architects – BayAK
- Association for Urban, Regional and State Planning – SRL