Prof. Wolfgang Schabbach
Teaching and research areas
- Design & construction in design
- Design methodology/design innovation method “Coburg Design Pilot”
- Mentor in MasterDesign for “Advanced Material & Technology Design”
- Materials / MaterialLaboratory
At the university
- Foundation of and head of / focus on integrated design processes (idp)
- Student advisor
- Foundation and management of matLAB | material.datenbank + material.bibliothek in the Integrated Product Design program
Outside the university
- Work as a freelance designer
- Acting as a juror and reviewer
- Design & Construct
- Materials
- Manufacturing techniques
- Lightweight construction
- Interactions between people, design and technology
Short vita
- 2010: Foundation of at the HS Coburg / Head of study program
- 2002: Founding of matLAB | material.datenbank + material.bibliothek in the Integrated Product Design degree program
- since 03/2001: Appointment as Professor of Design & Construction and Materials at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- 2000 – 2001: École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz ENIM, Department of Technical Design
- 1994 – 2001: Lecturer at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Department of Design
- 1993 – 2001: Graduate engineer, designer for corporate product design, HYDAC Group, Sulzbach/Saar
- 1991 – 1993: Studied capital goods design,
Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart with Prof. H.E. Slany - 1986 – 1990: Studied mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Bingen/Rh.
(specializing in construction technology) - 1981 – 1984: Apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic
- 1964: born in Morbach/Hunsrück
Coburg Design Pilot” design innovation method