Prof. Dr. Stefan Simm
Teaching and research areas
- Bioinformatics
- Artificial intelligence
- Biometrics
Within the university:
- Research professorship
- Lecturer Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Health
Outside the university:
- Member of the DZHK
- Consultant at Beiersdorf
- Affiliated with Greifswald University Medicine
- Associated with the COST Action Recrop
Short vita
- Since 2023: Professor at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences
- 2019 – 2023: Junior professor at the University Medicine Greifwald
- 2014 – 2019: Post-doc and group leader at FIAS and Goethe University (Frankfurt/Main)
- 2009 – 2013: PhD in bioinformatics on high-throughput analysis
- 2004 – 2009: Diploma in Bioinformatics
- Detection of early detection markers for fertilizer optimization in the field
- Detection of wild animals in the field for rescue
- Development of explainable AI to analyze microgravity in plants and humans
- Development of explainable AI to better understand the effect of heat on plants
- Analysis of the human microbiome and its influence on diseases
- Analysis of the complex interaction of non-coding RNAs in mice in relation to cognitive disorders