
Education and social transformation

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Exploring the potential of education, sustainability, culture and health

Education, culture, sustainability and health are drivers of social and socio-ecological transformation.
The multiple crises (including climate, democracy, social issues and inequality, care, economy, wars and violence) are mutually reinforcing and make it clear that social transformation and fundamental socio-ecological change concern us all, as social, economic and cultural human rights are increasingly at risk in an interdependent world and the opportunities for marginalized groups to participate are dwindling.
The research focus develops, tests and transfers concepts and potentials of education, sustainability, culture and health based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2015-2030).
The SDGs show the complex interaction of local-regional and global challenges for a fair and solidary coexistence between the generations.
In relation to central fields of transformation (e.g. democracy, education, care, mobility, consumption, health, nutrition and agriculture, energy supply, climate protection, digitalization), both discursive-theoretical bases for action are analysed and innovative educational and research approaches are applied.

Research areas:

  • Prof. Dr. Andrea Schmelz (Spokesperson): International social work, transformation and disaster research, decolonial culture of remembrance and political education
  • Prof. Björn Bicker: Cultural work and community building
  • Prof. Dr. habil.
    Adelheid Susanne Esslinger: Planetary Health and Regional Impact; Climate and Health, esp.
    Ageing; Sustainability management; Cooperative action and change
  • Prof. Dr. Hellen Gross: economic and cultural action, cultural participation and education, transformative services
  • Prof. Dr. Veronika Hammer: Learning democracy, cultural education, social space, single parents
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Holtdorf: Theory and communication of science, political and cultural education
  • Prof. Dr. Claudia Lohrenscheit: International social work, children’s/human rights, political-historical education and remembrance work
  • Prof. Mario Tvrtković: Spatial transformation, sustainable development of urban and rural areas
