Leadership and change management

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At a glance


Certificate in “Leadership and Change Management” with 10 ECTS credits (can be credited to later studies)

Language of instruction



The course is offered every summer semester.
The dates will be published in good time.


Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Friedrich Streib Campus

Admission requirements

Completion of an undergraduate degree (any subject possible) and one year of professional experience


2.990€ plus
current semester fee

Application deadline

March 15, 2025

Leadership and change management

The “Leadership and Change Management” certificate course provides you with the tools to competently perform leadership tasks and shape transformation processes in companies.
This includes basic management skills for the further development of organizations, leadership training and a seminar on legally compliant management.
You will take part in selected courses on the part-time MBA in Business Administration and experience practice-oriented further training at Master’s level in small groups and interactive formats.
You will take away plenty of inspiration for your everyday working life and expand your network as part of the university’s MBA family.

The program concludes with a certificate from Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
Successfully completed courses are credited towards an MBA degree.

Target group

  • Prospective managers
  • Holders of staff positions, in particular change managers
  • Project managers
    Managers of all departments
  • A first degree (Bachelor/Diploma, all disciplines possible) and one year of professional experience are required.


The “Leadership and Change Management” certificate course covers the following topics:

  • Self-management and communication
  • Development and management of employees and teams
  • Optimization of organizational and operational structures
  • Design and management of change processes
  • Labor law (basics)
  • Alternatives to legal proceedings and mediation techniques

The content is taught in several modules and seminar dates over a period of three months.
The seminar days are supplemented by individual course preparation, self-study periods and examination days.
You will also write a seminar paper in which you work on a problem from your company.
This enables a sustainable transfer of seminar content into everyday working life and vice versa.

The course is part of the part-time MBA in Business Administration at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.
This also allows you to expand your network with employees from different companies.



If you would like to register for the Leadership and Change Management certificate course, simply use the following online form.
You will then receive a short confirmation and further information by e-mail.

Your registration will be sent to our server in encrypted form.
You agree that we may use the information to organize the course.
Here you can find the privacy policy of Coburg University of Applied Sciences.

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