Master’s degree programs in Engineering & Computer Science

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Reach the next academic level in engineering and computer science

The Master’s degree courses in “Engineering and Computer Science” at Coburg University of Applied Sciences offer a wide range of specializations and are characterized by their practical and interdisciplinary orientation.
The close cooperation with regional commercial enterprises continues, for example, in the context of project work or Master’s theses.
Working in small groups and the good supervision ratio increase the enjoyment and success of studying and create a personal learning atmosphere.
The Master’s programs offered are modern in terms of content and didactics.
Find out here about your Master’s study options at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.

Do your Bachelor's degree!

Not quite ready yet and just starting your academic journey?
Our Bachelor’s degree programs in engineering and computer science here.

Do your doctorate now!

Remember: For graduates with a good Master’s degree, it is possible to continue working academically after completing their Master’s degree.
They can write their doctoral thesis at Coburg University of Applied Sciences .

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