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At a glance

Academic degree

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Form of study

Consecutive full-time Master’s degree

Standard period of study

3 semesters (incl. Master’s thesis), 90 ECTS

Language of instruction

predominantly German

Start of studies

Winter semester (October 1)

Admission requirements

Completed university degree with at least 180 ECTS in the field of health sciences or a related degree program.
No specific grade point average required for admission.
For detailed information, see study and examination regulations.

Semester abroad



from 02.05.
until 30.09.

Profile of the degree program

The three-semester Master’s program “Health Promotion” at Coburg University of Applied Sciences is just right for you if you not only want to gain theoretical knowledge, but also get straight into practice. Here you will learn how to successfully plan, implement and optimize health projects in companies, organizations and communities. The first step is to immerse yourself in theory and systematically reflect on what you have learned. Then you will acquire the methodological skills you need for a scientific approach. Finally, you will apply everything you have learned in practical research projects and gain valuable experience for your career path.

What we value

Study internationally

Coburg University of Applied Sciences offers the opportunity to complete a study or practical semester abroad. To this end, Coburg University of Applied Sciences maintains relationships with foreign partner universities. Further information is available from the university’s Study Abroad service.

Research and practice

The special feature of the Master’s degree course in Health Promotion is the combination of academic research and practice-oriented application. It is designed to enable students to apply their conceptual and methodological knowledge directly in interdisciplinary, regional, supra-regional and international projects. This enables students to establish valuable contacts with companies, organizations and research institutions during their studies.

Course content and schedule

The Master’s degree program in Health Promotion is divided into three study sections.

1st and 2nd semester

The first and second semesters focus on the teaching of:

  • Conceptual competencies
  • Methodological competencies
  • Transfer skills.

The empirical-scientific know-how is supplemented by the following aspects:

  • Historical and socio-political development of health promotion in Germany in international comparison
  • current discourses on current health systems in the context of national and international health policy
  • Perspectives on global socio-political, environmental and technological challenges

3rd semester

In the third stage of the program, the focus is on writing the Master’s thesis. In addition, there are accompanying courses in which further transfer skills are taught. Small group sizes allow for intensive contact with lecturers and students.

Study focus

  • Health across the lifespan
  • Health promotion in organizations (companies, educational and social institutions, public institutions)

Experiences of graduates of the degree program

Jana Kraft, M.Sc:

“In the Master’s program in Health Promotion, I was able to expand and deepen my knowledge of scientific research methods and project management from the Bachelor’s program in Integrative Health Promotion at Coburg University of Applied Sciences and gain further practical experience. In my opinion, a big difference and gain compared to the Bachelor’s program is that the Master’s program leaves a lot of room for the students’ areas of interest within the seminar content. As a result, I was able to develop my own personal areas of specialization. The exchange with and suggestions from fellow students from outside the field also helped me to develop my own interpretation of “health promotion”.”

Tamara Jäger, M.Sc:

“The compactly designed Master’s degree program teaches sound fundamentals and specific specialist knowledge, so that even as a graduate of another university you get a multifaceted picture of the modern profession of health promotion. I found it particularly motivating that you can apply your ability to work scientifically in a project with real clients during your studies and thus solve practical problems. In addition, the teamwork is extremely constructive and characterized by a lot of humanity, which is one of the reasons why wonderful friendships have developed in our study group from day one.”

Andreas Nagel, M.Sc:

“In particular, the practical application of the content of the Master’s degree course in Health Promotion in specific projects during the course ensures a direct transfer from theory to practice. This is the ideal preparation for later activities in science as well as in companies or organizations.”

Job & Career

Graduates of the Master’s degree program in Health Promotion qualify for management positions in:

  • Companies and organizations, e.g. in the areas of occupational health management, personnel management and organizational development
  • Municipal health promotion facilities
  • Social services, e.g. with regard to prevention and rehabilitation measures
  • Scientific and research institutions in the context of health promotion

Do your doctorate now!

Graduates with a good Master’s degree can continue to work scientifically after completing their Master’s degree. For example, they have the opportunity to do a doctorate at the Analytics4Health doctoral center at Coburg University of Applied Sciences or in cooperation with a university.

Curriculum and examination regulations

The study structure provides an overview of the course structure.
The module handbook provides information on the content of the individual modules.
The study and examination regulations form the legal basis of the degree program.
Questions about the content of the course can also be answered by the course director Prof. Dr. Karin Meißner.

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