Social work: educational and cultural work

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Profile of the Master's program

You will play a central role in social work, especially in the field of education and culture – whether with children, young people or adults. You will learn how to strengthen local communities using methods such as political-democratic education and community building. The work aims to give a voice to all people, regardless of their background, and ensure that everyone is heard in our diverse society. Educational equality and active participation in social and cultural life are at the heart of what makes this area so exciting and important.


The specialization area “Educational and Cultural Work” focuses on selected strategies of political education, cultural policy, cultural management and educational and cultural mediation.


Democratic education, understood as a “practice of freedom” (Paulo Freire), also analyzes the initial social conditions of social work. In the face of permanent catastrophes, crises and social inequalities, social work is under pressure. Specialist staff therefore need in-depth knowledge and skills for cultural and artistic forms of expression as well as for current educational policy issues and social developments. Keywords here include the growing importance of social and digital media, the individualization and economization of society, the knowledge society and educational equity. The 2030 Agenda and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) continue to provide impetus. Coburg University of Applied Sciences strives to play an active role in the region and beyond. Educational and cultural policy tasks will also become more important in the coming years and professional services in this area will become more differentiated.

Course content and schedule

Social work in the fields of education and culture is closely linked to the expectation of creating diverse opportunities for active participation and co-design. Creative forms of expression, artistic processes and communicative methods play a central role in this. It is precisely these approaches that are at the heart of the Master’s degree course and shape the content that prepares you to design innovative and participatory projects.

Cultural management in social work

Cultural work, cultural policy and cultural management in social work: management and mediation at the interface of social work and cultural and educational settings

Theories and empirical research on current discourses

Educational and cultural work – postcolonial, queer-feminist and ecological-social: analysis of scientific theories and empirical research on current social, (educational) political and cultural-social discourses; individuality, diversity, inter- and transculturality in a plural, democratic and open society

Third-party funds and projects

Research proposal/third-party funding/projects: Project work and practice-oriented research; interdisciplinary work, scientific methodological confidence and self-reflection

Cultural mediation, participation and cultural capital

Critical and reflective use of social and digital media as well as artistic forms of expression, creative development processes, communication skills and self-reflection in the context of complex practical conditions and personal resources, abilities and limitations

Law and ethics

Ethical reflection and in-depth legal knowledge

Job & Career

You will encounter social pedagogical and social work tasks in many exciting areas – especially where education and culture take center stage.

Fields of work

  • School and extracurricular children and youth work (daycare centers, schools, sports and leisure facilities including theater, cultural and music education)
  • Educational and cultural institutions such as theaters, museums, cultural workshops, libraries
  • NGOs and providers of political education, peace and human rights education, global learning and education for sustainable development
  • Voluntary services and places of education for all ages
  • Neighborhood management and community work locations
  • Public, independent, non-profit and private providers of family, child and youth welfare, school social work
  • Resocialization facilities
  • Adult education facilities
  • Educational and cultural work in retirement homes

Do your doctorate now!

After successfully completing your Master’s degree, you can further deepen your knowledge with a doctorate at Coburg University of Applied Sciences.

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