The website of Coburg University of Applied Sciences was translated using translation software provided by a third-party provider such as DeepL. The official text is the German version of the website. No liability is assumed, either explicitly or implicitly, for the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of the translations into another language.

Autumn vacation campaign “Off to the lecture hall”

What is it like to sit in a lecture hall?
How does a lecture work?
What topics are covered?
What do students actually learn, for example in mechanical engineering, social work or integrated product design?
Pupils can experience and try out all of this for themselves at Coburg University of Applied Sciences during the fall break: We are opening up selected courses from the regular semester program of all departments to prospective students!


More than 30 different lectures, including computer science, politics, project and trend management, chemistry, health tourism, technical mechanics, physiology and anatomy, psychology, business law, sociology, sustainable construction, programming, interviewing or the basics of business administration – and much more!


Depending on the course


You will find the lecture program here as a pdf from the beginning of October.  

28.10.2024 - 30.10.2024




Dr. Katja Kessel


49 (0)9561 317-247




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