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Workshop: Research as a field of action for our sustainability strategy

Based on the results to date of all participatory formats for the research field of action of our sustainability strategy, we will further differentiate our focus areas together in line with the working document of the catalog of criteria for implementation at Bavarian universities ( Sustainable university: criteria for an inventory (KriNaHoBay) – nachhaltigehochschules Webseite! ), together we will further differentiate our priorities.
The criteria in the field of research are

  • University-wide basic understanding
  • Research with sustainability as the main objective
  • Research with the secondary goal of sustainability
  • Frogging practice and infrastructure
  • Transparency, incentives & toolbox

Participation is possible for all employees and students of our university without prior registration.

25.09.2024 | 14:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr




Stefan Schwuchow


09561 317-8045



Campus Friedrich Streib, ITMZ, Raum 4-019

Friedrich-Streib-Straße 2



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