$post array (29)
beginn => string (10) "13.12.2016"
ende => string (10) "31.12.2019"
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titel => string (22) "DFG-GG91 Abgasanalytik"
projekttitel => UTF-8 string (72) "Prüffeld Verbrennungsmotoren und alternative Antriebe – Abgasanalytik"
kurztitel => string (22) "DFG-GG91 Abgasanalytik"
dauer => string (23) "13.12.2016 - 31.12.2019"
abstract => string (0) ""
list_teaser => string (244) "The Coburg fuel research system includes a 2019 4-wheel drive chassis dynamo...
The Coburg fuel research system includes a 2019 4-wheel drive chassis dynamometer for emission testing of conventional, hybrid and battery electric vehicles. This test bench allows for reproducible vehicle tests at modern emission test-cycle...
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foerderkennzeichen => string (18) "INST 103/14-1 FUGG"
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    0General Description1<p>The Coburg fuel research system includes a 2019 4-wheel drive chassis dyna...textblockfalse
    1Technical Details2<ul> <li>Dedicated exhaust gas analysis including dilution tunnel, particle c...textblockfalse
  • 0 => array (9)
    titel => string (19) "General Description"
    reihenfolge => string (1) "1"
    text => string (814) "<p>The Coburg fuel research system includes a 2019 4-wheel drive chassis dyn...
    <p>The Coburg fuel research system includes a 2019 4-wheel drive chassis dynamometer for emission testing of conventional, hybrid and battery electric vehicles. This test bench allows for reproducible vehicle tests at modern emission test-cycle conditions sich as WLTP, RTS95, JC08, FTP75 or even NEDC. Moreover, the test-bench is prepared for signal synchronization between test-bench and vehicle instrumentation data for detailed processing of fuel dependent operation conditions.</p><p>The engine test field also includes a 2019 engine test bench for heavy-duty engine applications. This test-bench can either be used for thermodynamic full engine research or be used for the development of modern exhaust gas aftertreatment systems, which can be built-up in the test cell next to the engine.</p><br><p><br></p>
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    1 => array (9)
    titel => string (17) "Technical Details"
    reihenfolge => string (1) "2"
    text => string (196) "<ul> <li>Dedicated exhaust gas analysis including dilution tunnel, particle ...
    <ul> <li>Dedicated exhaust gas analysis including dilution tunnel, particle counters and bag measurements</li> <li>Emission sampling for advanced emission analysis in preparation</li> </ul><p></p>
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foerderprogramm => array (3)
name => UTF-8 string (46) "DFG - Forschungsgroßgeräte nach Art. 91 b GG"
link => string (0) ""
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term_id => integer 898
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0 => UTF-8 string (44) "Nachhaltige Mobilitäts- und Energiekonzepte"
permalink => string (60) "https://www.hs-coburg.de/projekt/951-dfg-gg91-abgasanalytik/"
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Laufzeit: 13.12.2016 - 31.12.2019

Forschungsschwerpunkt: HRK Schwerpunkt Nachhaltige Mobilitäts- und Energiekonzepte

DFG-GG91 Abgasanalytik

Prüffeld Verbrennungsmotoren und alternative Antriebe – Abgasanalytik

The Coburg fuel research system includes a 2019 4-wheel drive chassis dynamometer for emission testing of conventional, hybrid and battery electric vehicles. This test bench allows for reproducible vehicle tests at modern emission test-cycle...



13.12.2016 - 31.12.2019





INST 103/14-1 FUGG


DFG - Forschungsgroßgeräte nach Art. 91 b GG


HRK Schwerpunkt Nachhaltige Mobilitäts- und Energiekonzepte




Nachhaltige Mobilitäts- und Energiekonzepte


DFG - Forschungsgroßgeräte nach Art. 91 b GG



Markus Jakob




General Description

The Coburg fuel research system includes a 2019 4-wheel drive chassis dynamometer for emission testing of conventional, hybrid and battery electric vehicles. This test bench allows for reproducible vehicle tests at modern emission test-cycle conditions sich as WLTP, RTS95, JC08, FTP75 or even NEDC. Moreover, the test-bench is prepared for signal synchronization between test-bench and vehicle instrumentation data for detailed processing of fuel dependent operation conditions.

The engine test field also includes a 2019 engine test bench for heavy-duty engine applications. This test-bench can either be used for thermodynamic full engine research or be used for the development of modern exhaust gas aftertreatment systems, which can be built-up in the test cell next to the engine.

Technical Details

  • Dedicated exhaust gas analysis including dilution tunnel, particle counters and bag measurements
  • Emission sampling for advanced emission analysis in preparation

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