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    1Simone Nicolardifalse
    2Beatrix Santiago-Schübelfalse
    3Daniel Sydesfalse
    4Yuri E. M. van der Burgtfalse
    5Antonia Nicole Kleinfalse
    6Nan Jiangfalse
    7Jeannine Mohrlüderfalse
    8Karen Hänelfalse
    9Janine Kutzschefalse
    10Susanne Aileen Funkehttps://www.hs-coburg.de/personen/prof-dr-susanne-aileen-funke/true
    11Dieter Willboldfalse
    12S. Willboldfalse
    13C. Huhnfalse
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    personenkennziffer => string (0) ""
titel => string (140) "Structure characterization of unexpected covalent O-sulfonation and ion-pair...
Structure characterization of unexpected covalent O-sulfonation and ion-pairing on an extremely hydrophilic peptide with CE-MS and FT-ICR-MS
medien => string (49) "Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry volume 407"
doi => string (41) "https://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-015-8826-8"
weblink => string (0) ""
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heft => string (2) "22"
band => string (3) "407"
artikelnummer => string (7) "6637-55"
isbn => string (0) ""
herausgeber => string (0) ""
seiten => string (0) ""
open_access => null
peer_reviewed => boolean true
detailseite => boolean false
zitierung => UTF-8 string (519) "Pattky, Martin ; Nicolardi , Simone ; Santiago-Schübel , Beatrix ; Sydes , D...
Pattky, Martin ; Nicolardi , Simone ; Santiago-Schübel , Beatrix ; Sydes , Daniel ; van der Burgt , Yuri E. M.; Klein, Antonia Nicole ; Jiang , Nan; Mohrlüder, Jeannine ; Hänel , Karen ; Kutzsche, Janine; Funke, Susanne  A.; Willbold, Dieter; Willbold , S.; Huhn, C. (2015): Structure characterization of unexpected covalent O-sulfonation and ion-pairing on an extremely hydrophilic peptide with CE-MS and FT-ICR-MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry volume 407 407, 6637-55 (22). DOI: 10.1007/s00216-015-8826-8
permalink => string (183) "https://www.hs-coburg.de/publikation/2741-structure-characterization-of-unex...
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The website of Coburg University of Applied Sciences was translated using translation software provided by a third-party provider such as DeepL. The official text is the German version of the website. No liability is assumed, either explicitly or implicitly, for the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of the translations into another language.

Structure characterization of unexpected covalent O-sulfonation and ion-pairing on an extremely hydrophilic peptide with CE-MS and FT-ICR-MS


Structure characterization of unexpected covalent O-sulfonation and ion-pairing on an extremely hydrophilic peptide with CE-MS and FT-ICR-MS







Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry volume 407











Martin Pattky, Simone Nicolardi, Beatrix Santiago-Schübel, Daniel Sydes, Yuri E. M. van der Burgt, Antonia Nicole Klein, Nan Jiang, Jeannine Mohrlüder, Karen Hänel, Janine Kutzsche, Susanne Aileen Funke, Dieter Willbold, S. Willbold, C. Huhn


Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry volume 407



Open Access:

Peer reviewed:



Pattky, Martin ; Nicolardi , Simone ; Santiago-Schübel , Beatrix ; Sydes , Daniel ; van der Burgt , Yuri E. M.; Klein, Antonia Nicole ; Jiang , Nan; Mohrlüder, Jeannine ; Hänel , Karen ; Kutzsche, Janine; Funke, Susanne A.; Willbold, Dieter; Willbold , S.; Huhn, C. (2015): Structure characterization of unexpected covalent O-sulfonation and ion-pairing on an extremely hydrophilic peptide with CE-MS and FT-ICR-MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry volume 407 407, 6637-55 (22). DOI: 10.1007/s00216-015-8826-8


Martin Pattky, Simone Nicolardi, Beatrix Santiago-Schübel, Daniel Sydes, Yuri E. M. van der Burgt, Antonia Nicole Klein, Nan Jiang, Jeannine Mohrlüder, Karen Hänel, Janine Kutzsche, Susanne Aileen Funke, Dieter Willbold, S. Willbold, C. Huhn